Announcement of Publication: Private Law, Second Edition

Publication Date: August 3rd, 2024 Private law is as important as it is neglected. In this exposition, the rights of man receive full explanation within the context of higher, God-given legal principles. Human rights do not serve as the source of law but as a secondary principle subservient to a higher law. The book constitutes …

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Announcement of Publication: The Legacy of Abraham Kuyper

By Harry Van Dyke Van Dyke explores the work of Abraham Kuyper as both heir and legator of the antirevolutionary inheritance. For more information follow this link.

Announcement of Publication: Principles of Law, Second Edition

The second edition of Principles of Law by Friedrich Julius Stahl will be released to the public on June 5th, 2024. For further information follow this link.

Announcement of Publication: Saved to be Warriors by Rev. Bret McAtee

This book exposing the errors of Radical Two-Kingdom theology will go on sale on January 10th, 2023. “Woe unto the preacher who does not sound the alarm when the Good News is attacked from within the church, when the Law is pitted against the Gospel, and when Christ’s Crown Rights over all of life is …

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“Trojan Horse” now on sale

Looking for a Christmas gift? Consider getting a copy for the classical liberal in your life. Of course, he or she will appreciate the opportunity to delve into those thorny presuppositions…. FOLLOW THE LINK: “Trojan Horse: Natural Rights and America’s Founding”

Announcement of Publication: Trojan Horse

Natural Rights and America’s Founding Ruben Alvarado To what degree, indeed in what sense, can we speak of Christian America? Trojan Horse: Natural Rights and America’s Founding provides a perhaps inconvenient answer. For more information, click on the page image.

Now on sale: In Memory of Stahl by Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer

Not only is this a memorial of the profoundest sort to Friedrich Julius Stahl, it is a fine introduction to his life and thought by one of the founders of the antirevolutionary movement, Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer. Furthermore it allows us, in getting to know Stahl, to get to know Groen as well. This volume …

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Announcement of Publication: The Politics of Antithesis: The Antirevolutionary Government of Abraham Kuyper 1901–1905 by P. J. Hoedemaker

On August 1st, 1901, a new government was installed in the Netherlands, formed by Antirevolutionary Party (ARP) leader Abraham Kuyper. The culmination of decades of relentless effort, it represented a new departure in Dutch politics: a government explicitly invoking the Christian revelation as the basis for its policy. “Revelation over Reason!” had been the battle …

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