Recovering the Biblical Doctrine of Stewardship
The doctrine of stewardship is one of the most oft-proclaimed in the church today. On its basis we understand it to be our Christian duty that we exercise stewardship over the planet, God’s creation. Yet this doctrine is also among the least-examined. Critically important assumptions are made without any serious attempt to discover whether they are supported by Scripture, and whether they can support the massive superstructure erected upon them. For very serious claims are made on the basis of these assumptions, whereby the church is called to subscribe to a massively intrusive program that views nature as the suffering victim of a rapacious human race. Does the Bible call Christians, indeed humanity, to take up the role of planetary stewardship in order to preserve nature from mankind’s hurtful intervention? If not, then what kind of stewardship does the Bible call us to? That is the question up for examination in this book.
- ISBN Complete: 978-90-76660-71-4
- Publication Date: June 21, 2023
- Perfect Bound: B&W, 6 x 9 in or 229 x 152 mm
- Page Count: 128
- Retail price
- softcover: $12.99/ £10.99/ €11.99
- ebook $5.99
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