Pantocrator Press

This imprint emphasizes the mediatorial kingship of Jesus Christ, “Pantocrator” (παντοκράτωρ) or “Lord of All,” translated in the Bible as “Almighty,” e.g. Revelation 1: 8: “‘I am the Alpha and the Omega,’ says the Lord God, ‘who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty [Pantokratór]’” (KJV). The books published under this imprint will emphasize this lordship, in recognition of Jesus Christ “the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the ruler of the kings of the earth” (1: 5).

The Huguenot cross is the symbol of French Calvinism, perhaps the purest form of biblical Christianity and the most zealous exponent of Jesus Christ Pantocrator in the history of the church.

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The Gospel in the Age of the Judges

The Gospel in the Age of the Judges

Contrary to the usual perception, the Age of the Judges constituted a major step forward in the program of salvation. For in it, judgment begins in the house of God (1 Peter 4: 17), a judgment which brings about mercy and redemption. What appear to be...
The Gospel in the Old Covenant

The Gospel in the Old Covenant

The essential continuity of Old and New Testaments is the burden of these studies in biblical theology. Highlights include the presence of God as triggering blessing or curse, and the essential harmony of judgment and salvation.
Saved to be Warriors

Saved to be Warriors

Exposing the Errors of Radical Two-Kingdom Theology Rev. Bret McAtee PURCHASING OPTIONS Radical Two-Kingdom theology would have us believe that God has created a divided world. It is a world bifurcated into two realms, one of “nature” and...
The Bible, Theology, and the Sciences

The Bible, Theology, and the Sciences

Addresses at the Free University, 1880–1886 Philippus Jacobus Hoedemaker What is the relationship between science and Scripture? Is it, as so many believe, no relationship at all? But how could that be the case, if God has indeed spoken? This q...
In Memory of Stahl

In Memory of Stahl

Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer “Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer. I heard that you don’t know who Stahl is. And I could not help wondering – please pardon my incivility, but … what rock have you been hi...
The Politics of Antithesis

The Politics of Antithesis

The Antirevolutionary Government of Abraham Kuyper 1901–1905 P. J. Hoedemaker On August 1st , 1901, a new government was installed in the Netherlands, formed by Antirevolutionary Party (ARP) leader Abraham Kuyper. The culmination of d...

Article 36 of the Belgic Confession Vindicated against Dr. Abraham Kuyper

To this day, Abraham Kuyper stands as a shining example of responsible and effective Christian action in all areas of life. A leading journalist, theologian, churchman, and politician in the late 19th and early 20th  centuries, Kuyper effectuated,...

Calvin and the Whigs

This new study investigates the relationship between Calvinism and the natural rights/social contract tradition of constitutionalism, as epitomized in the work of John Locke. This relationship has been debated for some time, and the consensus...

Liturgy in the Reformed Tradition

There are many forms of liturgy in the contemporary church, but they are not always critically assessed. Liturgy can be viewed as a sealed encounter in which behind closed doors heaven and earth meet and participate in each other. But it can also be...

Reformed Ecclesiology in an Age of Denominationalism

Once upon a time, the state shared the public square with the church. The central location of the church building in every European town is mute testimony to this state of affairs. But those days are long gone. Nowadays there is an implicit or explicit...

Spirit, Law, and the Church

What is the place of “organization” in the church? To what degree does the church need to be “organized”? At bottom, that was the question addressed by the famed Lutheran legal scholar and church historian Rudolph Sohm (1841–1917). His conclusion was radic...

The Debate that Changed the West

At the dawn of the modern age a debate took place which would determine the further course of Western and thus world civilization. This debate did not take place in any assembly or debating chamber. It took place in the hearts and minds of the trend-setting...