
The first publishing project was the translation of the major work of the 19th century German statesman and professor of constitutional law Friedrich Julius Stahl. This work, The Philosophy of Law: The Doctrine of Law and State on the Basis of the Christian World-View was originally published beginning in 1829. The full-fledged version stems from the 1850s and includes volumes on the history of legal philosophy, philosophical presuppositions, principles of law, private law, and public/constitutional law. Of these, the volumes on principles of law, private law, and public law have been translated and published. As of this time, it is uncertain as to whether the other volumes will be published.

The work of Ruben Alvarado has also been a focus of publishing effort. His books include Common Law Conservatism, Common Law and Natural Rights, and Investing in the New Normal. He also has written Authority Not Majority, a biography of Friedrich Julius Stahl intended to serve as an introduction to the series of Stahl translated volumes.

Another book published was Joseph Conrad’s The Nigger of the Narcissus, entirely retypeset with one significant change: the word “nigger” was changed throughout the text to “n-word” in order to facilitate the book’s reacceptance in classrooms and polite society generally. Although this innovation was met with a storm of protest, The N-word of the Narcissus remains in print for those readers who value a degree of common-sense sensitivity in these matters.

In 2011 an entirely reworked translation of G.W.F. Hegel’s Lectures on the Philosophy of History was published, in an effort to provide an authoritative yet readable version of this most important work of one of history’s greatest philosophers.

Recent projects include the publication of Follow the Money, which is an attempt to trace The Money Trail Through History; the translation of Joseph Schumpeter, Treatise on Money; and translations of Ph. J. Hoedemaker, Guillaume Groen van Prinsterer, and Frédéric de Rougemont.

Harry van Dyke’s translations of two works by the Dutch Reformational philosopher K. J. Popma, Scriptural Reflections on History and Gospel and History, form a significant contribution to contemporary Reformed scholarship.